Sunday, April 18, 2010


In the country where our daughter will be born:

Over half of the population lives on $1/day. The average income is $100/year.

There are over 5 million orphans.

One in five children will not live to see their 5th birthday.

One in seven women die from pregnancy related complications.

The literacy rate for women is just 35%.

Almost 60% of women have been subjected to sexual violence.

One study states 85% of women believe their husbands have the right to beat them if they burn dinner, refuse sex or go out without their husband's permission.

72% of women are married by abduction.

Life expectancy is just over 55 year of age.

The cutest babies in the world are born. (Okay, I added that one...but it is true!)







Those are just a few of the reasons we have decided to adopt from Ethiopia!


  1. Saw you joined the IAN group...we are in Littleton so may see you at training classes, picnics, etc. Congratulations and welcome to the ride!

  2. Yeah!! Cant wait to meet her!!!
