Thursday, January 20, 2011

The "Other" List...

So, by now everyone knows we're on the infant girl list...that's the list we talk about, blog about and think about daily.  What you may or may not know is that we're also on another waitlist.  The sibling list.  That's right, there is a possibility that we could be bringing not 1, but 2 beautiful kids home from Ethiopia!  Is that thought making you hyperventilate and causing your hands to shake uncontrollably?  Probably not, but it did have that effect on us and that's why we've kind of swept it under the rug and put it way in the back of our minds.

At the beginning of this journey we struggled with wondering if our daughter would feel connected living here in a primarily white city, as part of a very white family.  We thought that possibly having a sibling with the same background would help with that feeling of "belonging" as they grow older.  So, we also joined the sibling list, requesting infant twins...not because we thought it was something we realistically wanted, but because we couldn't ignore that Whisper in our ears.

Now, as the sibling list moves closer and closer, we've had to do some soul searching and think about if we could really handle 4 kids and what effect that would have on our family unit (besides the obvious of needing a bigger house and car!).  In the end, we both came to the same conclusion that having 2 birth and 2 adopted kids would be amazing and challenging and fun and insane and ultimately sooooo worth it!  I'm not sure what changed in us, or why...but now (most days!) I think we're secretly rooting for the siblings much so that we changed our request to any siblings under 36 months.  It's important to us that Colby stays the oldest sibling, but otherwise we're wide open!

Obviously, young siblings don't come along all that often so it's still a toss up on which waitlist we'll get our referral from...but as of today we're #30 on infant girl and excited to say we're #8 on siblings!!  We can't wait to see God's plan unveil!


  1. OOh wow, you're so close! I'm excited for you!

  2. Wow, you are so awsome, I can't wait to see what God's plan unveils for your family too. I do hope you get at least one girl:)

  3. Doesn't matter how many kids you get, they will be so lucky to be in your family.

  4. Ooohh, exciting! Can't wait to see what God does in your family!

    Nikki (#37)

  5. We were in the exact same place as your family a little bit ago...two young sons and on the infant and sibling lists. And now were are a family of six with twin daughters from Ethiopia! It's not easy having so many little ones but we love having 2 boys/2 girls, 2 bio/2 adopted, 2 white/2 black, etc. It's been a really nice balance for our family.
    Looking forward to seeing how it pans out for your family!

  6. Holy Moly! That's totally awesome. You guys just rock. When I grow up, I want to be just like you. Seriously though, that is VERY exciting! Can't wait to hear/see what happens.
    Love to you all - 4, 5 or 6!

  7. Hey Kelly,
    It was so fun to see numbers move! Yeah. I think our families might be twins. We think a lot alike, however, I haven't actually signed up on the siblings list, but we keep tossing it around for all the same reasons.

  8. That is wonderful news, you guys! We commend you for having such open hearts (and for being so brave)! Looking forward to seeing you soon and meeting your new family when they arrive.

  9. Thanks for the sweet blog comment! It was great to hear from you. :)

    We use an entry level Nikon SLR...the D90. Not sure if that is still their lowest model, as we bought it years ago. I've loved it. Still shooting in automatic though, and would love to learn more.

    So excited about your adoption, and your potential openness to siblings.

    We are a feeling a bit unsettled, and just aren't sure what direction we'll end up going. Such a journey!
