Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Help for Older Boys...

Our agency's care center in Ethiopia currently has three wonderful boys who have been waiting over a year for a family to call them their own. OVER A YEAR. Think about that for a minute. As they have watched other children leave with parents—they have waited. and waited. Just because they are ‘older.’
Parents that come and pick up their kids leave burdened for these sweet boys.

Their ages are 8, 9, and 10 and here is a bit about them.

T – T is a quiet boy who likes to play with his friends. He has a calm and friendly personality that one might see as being shy, but after he warms up to someone he is more outgoing, kind and friendly.

T likes to be active and play soccer with his buddies. He is good at sharing and is kind to the younger children at the Care Center.

L-L is an adorable little guy who loves to have fun! He can be shy around adults but is friendly with the other children. He loves to play cars and enjoys trying to make one-on-one conversations with visiting adults. Showing off what English he is learning.

Z-Z is a very compassionate boy. He is always looking out for the younger boys at the Care Center. He is seen as a big brother to every one there and is sweet to every one.

Z is fun and loves to play games with his friends. He is not over powering for attention but is willing to wait his turn.

Several adoptive parents in our agency have become so smitten with these boys they have decided to host an online silent auction to raise funds for grants for the families that step forward to give these boys a home and family.

It will be from mid-November to December 1st. (just in time for your Christmas shopping!)

We would love to have you help us! Right now we are in the stage of gathering items to put in the auction (the website will be It’s in process right now )

Would you be willing to donate something?

Here is how it works:

1. You let me know if you would be willing to donate. Email us at with what you would like to donate! Then, just sit back and relax!

2. We will create a blog post about your item, including a description and picture, a minimum bid price, and a link over to your etsy page/website/blog so they can check out the other fabulous things that you do!

Look for it on

3. We are planning to open the auction mid November and end it on Dec 1 (just in time for Christmas!) Readers will bid on your fantastic donation!

4. When the auction closes we will e-mail the winner to get their mailing address. Then, we will send you the address.

5. So the only thing you have to do is mail them the prize!

Also, after the auction closes, We will write a post encouraging bidders who bid on your item and did not win to go check out your etsy page/website/blog! Hopefully this will bring you a lot of free publicity.

The sweet boys get advocated for and families get a grant. Win-Win.

Feel free to email me with any questions or ideas!!

PS. If you’d like to inquire about these waiting children or any others that are currently waiting:


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